Enterprise online learning and training management platform - "Enterprise Cloud Academy" is a comprehensive management platform suitable for enterprises or training institutions to carry out remote training. By establishing an online learning, training management and knowledge system framework including all employees, it provides students with a platform for training, online learning, practice exams, qualification certification, interactive communication, and knowledge sharing. It provides training managers with tools to manage and monitor the entire training process, realizing the informatization, networking, and digitization of education and training, forming an enterprise talent training and knowledge management system, building an overall solution to assist the digital transformation of corporate training.
Solution overview
"Enterprise Cloud Academy" provides systematic support for learning and training, personnel assessment, training management, and resource construction for corporate talent development.
Solution composition
Advantages and Features
Omesti-Microlink - Malaysia's Pioneer training institution in using Competency-Based Training for physical, online & hybrid training modes
Facilitating institutions to provide training using competency-based learning model by pushing the right courses to the right job position with the right learning path.
Omesti-Microlink - Malaysia's Pioneer training institution in using Competency-Based Training for physical, online & hybrid training modes
Anytime, anywhere, any devices for employees to participate in training sessions.
Facilitating institutions to provide training using competency-based learning model by pushing the right courses to the right job position with the right learning path.
Omesti-Microlink - Malaysia's Pioneer training institution in using Competency-Based Training for physical, online & hybrid training modes.
Anytime, anywhere, any devices for employees to participate in training sessions.
Fiavest: Malaysia’s 1st Fintech Company using Competency-based Training for End User Training Program
Fiavest is an innovative, stock market system with real-time AI screener for stock market investors and players.
It has remisiers using the system nationwide.
By using ULMS smart tools and Live Virtual Classroom, all remisiers and end users are trained to use its smart screeners for instant indication of share trading trends for better and informed investment and trading operation.
Efficient and effective hybrid training during pandemic period.
Nabil Bank - 1st financial institution in using Competency-Based Training model for internal training
Facilitating institutions to provide structured course series using competency-based learning.
Employees get to know the exact learning path with courses/training projects pushed to them in every phase of training during their career life in the Bank with advancement opportunities.